List of Publications

Books and book chapters

de Valois B (2023) Acupuncture and Cancer Survivorship: Recovery, Renewal and Transformation. London: Singing Dragon

de Valois, B. (2007) Acupuncture. In Enhancing cancer care: complementary therapy and support, Barraclough, J. (ed). Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 85-95.

Published articles – general topics

de Valois B, Young T, Zollman C, Appleyard I, Ben-Arye E, Cummings M, Green R, Hoffman C, Lacey J, Moir F, Peckham R, Stinger J, Veleber S, Weitzman M, Wode K  (2024) Acupuncture in cancer care: recommendations for sage practice (peer-reviewed expert opinion). Supportive Care in Cancer 32, 229 (2024).
OPEN ACCESS Available from

Graca S, Huemer M, de Valois B et al. (2024) “Are we there yet?” – Green shoots of progress in acupuncture implementation in healthcare. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 69 OPEN  ACCESS Available from:

de Valois B and Young T (2023) Lessons learned during 20 years of acupuncture research. European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 10(2): 7-13

Hughes J, Cummings M, Filshie J, Kassab S, Leng G, Mackereth P, MacPherson H, de Valois B, Fisher (2018) Ensuring model validity in a feasibility study of acupuncture to improve quality of life in cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy treatment. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 21: 50-52

Langevin HM, Keely P, Mao J, Hodge LM, Schleip R, Deng G, Hinz B, Swartz MA, de Valois BA, Zick S, Tindley T (2016) Connecting (T)issues: How Research in Fascia Biology Can Impact Integrative Oncology. Cancer Research doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-0753

Huntley AL, de Valois B, Dog TL, Borrelli F (2012). Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Cancer Survivorship. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine;2012:2. doi:10.1155/2012/850429

de Valois B and Young T (2023) Lessons learned during 20 years of acupuncture research. European Journal of Oriental Medicine 10:2, pp 7-13. Available at:

Cancer treatment-related hot flushes and night sweats

de Valois B, Young T, Thorpe P, Degun T, Corbishley K. Acupuncture in the real world: evaluating a 15-year NADA auricular acupuncture service for breast cancer survivors experiencing hot flushes and night sweats as a consequence of adjuvant hormonal therapies. Support Care Cancer. 2022 Jun;30(6):5063-5074.
Available from:
(Awarded Honourable Mention in the International Society for Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine Research (ISCMR) Scientific Article Prize competition for the best scientific article in the field published 2021-2022 )

de Valois B, Young TE, Robinson N, McCourt C, Maher EJ (2012) NADA ear acupuncture for breast cancer treatment-related hot flashes and night sweats: an observational study. Medical Acupuncture. 24(4): 256-268 doi:10.1089/acu.2012.089

de Valois B, Young TE, Robinson N, McCourt C, Maher EJ (2010) Using traditional acupuncture for breast cancer-related hot flashes and night sweats. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: 16 (10) pp 1047-1057.

de Valois, B (2008) Turning points: clearing blocks to treatment in women with early breast cancer.  European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 5(6) pp.10-15.

Walker G, de Valois B, Young T, Davies R, Maher E J. (2007) Ear acupuncture for hot flushes -the perceptions of women with breast cancer. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice,13(4) pp. 250-257

 de Valois, B (2006) Using acupuncture to manage hot flushes and night sweats in women taking tamoxifen for early breast cancer: two observational studies. Thames Valley University. [Unpublished PhD thesis]

de Valois, B. (2006) Serenity, patience, wisdom, courage, acceptance: reflections on the NADA protocol.  European Journal of Oriental Medicine, 5(3), pp. 44-49.

Walker, G., de Valois, B., Davies, R., Young, T. and Maher, J. (2005) Opinions of research participants about study paperwork. Bulletin of Medical Ethics, No. 205, February, pp.21-24.  

Walker, G., de Valois, B., Young, T., Davies, R., Maher, E.J. (2004) The experience of receiving traditional Chinese acupuncture.  European Journal of Oriental Medicine, 4(5) pp. 59–65.

Prostate cancer treatment-related hot flushes:

de Valois B, Young T, Thorpe P, Preston J, Degun T (2015) Improving wellbeing of prostate cancer survivors using the NADA acupuncture protocol: a clinical outcome study. Medical Acupuncture; 27(3) 194-205
For a pre-publication version:

 de Valois B, Degun T (2015) Using the NADA protocol to improve wellbeing of prostate cancer survivors: five case studies. European Journal of Oriental Medicine; 8(1) 8-18


Cancer-treatment related lymphoedema

de Valois B, Asprey A, Young T (2016) “The monkey on your shoulder”: a qualitative study of lymphoedema patients’ attitudes to and experiences of acupuncture and moxibustion (acu/moxa). Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. vol. 2016, Article ID 4298420, 14 pages. doi:10.1155/2016/4298420

(Runner up in the Scientific Article Prize competition awarded by the International Society of Complementary Medicine Research (ISCMR) 2017.  This international competition celebrates the best scientific article in the field of complementary medicine and integrated medicine published in the previous two years.)

de Valois B, Young T, Melsome E, Maher EJ (2012) Veranderende visie: het gebruik van acupunctuur bij de behandeling van lymfoedeem. Fluvio. 3:4-11.

de Valois B, Young T, Melsome E (2011) Acupuncture in lymphoedema management: a feasibility study. Journal of Lymphoedema. 6(2) 20-31.

de Valois B, Young T, Melsome E (2012) Assessing the feasibility of using acupuncture and moxibustion to improve quality of life for cancer survivors with upper body lymphoedema. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. 16. pp 301-9. doi:10.1016/j.ejon.2011.07.005.

de Valois B and Peckham R (2011) Treating the person and not the disease: acupuncture in the management of cancer treatment-related lymphoedema. European Journal of Oriental Medicine, 6(6), 37-49.

de Valois B, Young T, Melsome E, Maher EJ (2011) Changing perceptions: using acupuncture in the management of lymphoedema. Journal of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists Spring 2001 pp.63-6.

Non-cancer treatment related lower limb lymphoedema

de Valois, B (2013) Acupuncture and moxibustion in the management of non-cancer-related lower limb lymphoedema: three case studies.  European Journal of Oriental Medicine; 7(4):13-21.

Colorectal cancer

de Valois B & Glynne-Jones R (2018) Acupuncture in the supportive care of colorectal cancer survivors: four case studies – Part 2. European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 9(1) 10-22

de Valois B & Glynne-Jones R (2017) Acupuncture in the supportive care of colorectal cancer survivors: four case studies – Part 1. European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 8(6) 34-43

Moxibustion for chemotherapy

de Valois B, Young T, Glynne-Jones R, Scarlett C, Staebler F (2016) Limiting chemotherapy side effects by using moxa. Using daily self-administered indirect moxibustion to St 36 zu san li to reduce chemotherapy-induced pancytopenia: study protocol for a feasibility study. European Journal of Oriental Medicine; 8(3) 29-39.

Scar therapy

de Valois B, Young T, Scarlett C, & Holly E. (2021). An evaluation of a ScarWork service for cancer survivors experiencing adverse effects of surgery and/or radiotherapy. European Journal of Integrative Medicine44.